Are you ready to market your feeder cattle or bred stock to the "Best Buying Power in the United States." Remember, we started the video way of selling livestock--the first in the world--back in the 1970s. We know what we're doing and we would like to prove it to you . . .
- Locally owned and operated; selling Northern cattle to a nationwide buying base
- Over 30 years of experience in the video concept of selling livestock
- You will work with your own Area Representative from start to finish
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Northern Livestock Video?
Why should I sell in a Northern Livestock Video Sale?
Who will represent me and my cattle?
How does Northern screen the Buyers?
How do I watch the sale on satellite?
Who is Northern Livestock Video Auction?
Northern Livestock Video Auction, headquartered at Billings LiveStock Commission Co., Billings, Montana, is engaged in the livestock auction business through video satellite marketing and is produced by Patrick K. Goggins and staff. Pat introduced the video concept of selling livestock to the industry years ago and conducted the first in the world video sales during the mid 1970s. Video marketing has since became a viable, legitimate tool for merchandising feeder cattle and breeding cattle. Back to Top
Why should I sell in a Northern Livestock Video Sale?
The most important factor is to receive national competitive bidding on your livestock. The Northern Livestock Video sales are broadcast live on Dish Network Channel 998 (HD Reciever is required). In addition, the sales are aggressively promoted nationwide in the best-read livestock publications around the country and nationally recognized auctioneers will sell the sale. As a consignor, being involved in one of our video events affords your herd more exposure than you could possibly gain on your own efforts. This is buyer power! Back to Top
Who will represent me and my cattle?
Northern has on staff the best group of knowledgeable representatives of any video sales company in America. They come with excellent qualifications and have first-hand knowledge of cattle breeding, feeding, and carcass quality. You can work with a Northern Area Rep with the utmost of confidence, knowing they will personally represent you from the moment you sign the consignment form until the day your cattle are delivered. They are bonded, reputable, conscientious cattlemen with many years of experience in the industry. But most important, they understand marketing at all levels. They will become your best friend! Back to Top
When you make the important decision to consign to a Northern Livestock Video Auction, call us (toll free) at 1-866-616-5035 or locate your Northern Area Representative. A designated Northern Representative will travel to your ranch, view your consignment and answer any questions you might have. You and your Rep will then sit down and fill out the "Consignor Contract" which includes all the information necessary for the sale catalog such as head count, sex, breed, age, brand, herd history, health program, approximate weight, shrink or slide offered, delivery date, location and time of delivery and any other data pertaining to the consignment.Your Northern Rep will film your consignments in a manner which will present them the best for the sale.
Seller will receive $85 per head down payment on the livestock sold (out of the $100 per head paid by the Buyer) with the balance paid at the scales on delivery day. The remaining $15 per head will be held in Northern's custodial account as a deposit on commission, until delivery, when the actual commission can be determined. Back to Top
The cost of selling on a Northern Livestock Video Sale is 2.25% of the gross sale for feeder cattle, and for breeding cattle it is 3% of the gross sale. Back to Top
You, as the owner of the cattle, have the prerogative to "no-sale" your consignment on sale day should you decide not to sell at the price bid. The filming fees of $4 per head on feeders and $5 per head on breeding cattle is not refundable. You would, however, have the option to consign those same cattle using the same film footage to a future Northern Livestock Video Sale without incurring additional filming changes. Back to Top
How does Northern screen the Buyers?
Buyers must have a Buyer's Number to participate in the sale and are required to provide bank credit references. Before we issue Buyer's Number, the bank credit reference is confirmed. You can be confident that whoever buys your consignment is a bonafide buyer in good standing at the bank! Back to Top
It is conducted just like an ordinary sale only the livestock are not on the premises. Most of the sales will be physically held at the Billings LiveStock Commission Co. in Billings where television monitors will be set up for viewing, or you can view the sale in the comfort of your home or office. Buyers will be both on the seats to bid and calling a bank of telephones manned to take the call-in bids from the video broadcast. These are fast-paced auctions with nationwide bidding. Sale day bidding line is 1-406-245-0889. Back to Top
How do I watch the sale on satellite?
Northern Livestock Video Sale will be broadcast across the North American continent on DISH Network, Channel 998. Anyone who has a "DISH" (HD Reciever is required) can view the sale and bid on the livestock in "real time." Back to Top