To View/Bid on the 2025 Topp Hereford Bull Sale Click Here

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To View/Bid on the 2025 Coleman Angus Bull Sale Click Here

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To View/Bid on the 2025 Grandview Bull Sale Click Here

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Horse Sale:

To Register for the Horse Sale Click Here

To see Auction Items for the Horse Sale Click Here

To Bid for the Horse Sale Click Here

To enter the Weekly timed online cattle auctions Click Here

For a complete instructional video on how to “Register to Bid” Click Here

Northern Livestock Video Auction is designed for the “Northern” cattle producer. National demand for outstanding, genetically strong, premium feeder cattle has these Northern cattle in the limelight. This is where you come in and that’s why these sales were designed.

Northern Livestock Video Auction is locally owned and operated from Billings, Montana and features cattle that carry Northern genetics. We have management and representatives who all know the quality and history of the cattle and ranches in our marketing area.

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