Click on individual lot number to view the video. 

Lot Name DOB Sire Birth Weight ADJ
$ W
$ B
1 SRS FAIRnSQUARE 9204M 01/27/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 86 804 1.7 82 143 27 0.59 0.36 80 128
2 SRS Jackson 2117M 01/14/24 SRS Jackson 487J 82 780 2.3 77 129 25 0.17 0.53 71 122
3 SRS Keynote 4244M 02/22/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 91 859 1.6 71 120 32 0.35 0.63 76 121
4 SRS Kickoff 0214M 02/05/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 88 718 2.5 69 123 33 0.36 0.85 69 133
5 SRS South America 8128M 02/13/24 Hummel South America 89 724 2.4 85 138 15 0.13 1 71 136
6 SRS Renovation 6152M 01/30/24 S A V Renovation 6822 89 723 1.9 66 113 18 0.71 0.12 59 117
7 SRS Legitimate 5129M 01/23/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 90 875 0.3 78 135 31 0.79 0.69 80 158
8 SRS Fairnsquare 5209M 01/28/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 87 816 2.2 78 133 30 0.2 0.96 80 123
9 SRS FAIRnSQUARE 5135M 02/11/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 97 785 2 81 132 34 0.38 0.6 85 133
10 SRS Fair N Square 0216M 01/26/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 86 715 0.8 67 123 25 0.74 0.52 66 144
11 SRS FAIRnSQUARE 6276M 01/27/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 86 760 0.4 69 122 31 0.5 0.87 73 144
12 SRS FAIRnSQUARE 755M 01/25/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 94 760 3.5 84 137 41 0.55 0.7 91 159
13 SRS Fairnsquare 5220M 02/16/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 89 753 1.9 62 109 36 0.34 0.66 69 134
14 SRS Kickoff 7203M 01/28/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 88 787 0.9 71 116 27 0.45 0.45 74 134
15 SRS Kickoff 0279M 01/30/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 87 724 0.9 64 113 34 0.23 0.5 70 122
16 SRS Renovation 9161M 01/31/24 S A V Renovation 6822 87 765 2.5 65 121 33 0.49 0.32 63 137
17 SRS Renovation 9239M 02/17/24 S A V Renovation 6822 92 767 3.9 63 104 21 0.49 0.2 52 110
18 SRS Historic 7282M 01/25/24 SRS Historic 2208H 94 765 2.8 64 119 37 0.56 0.61 63 159
19 SRS Historic 8215M 01/24/24 SRS Historic 2208H 91 734 4.5 84 148 6 0.37 0.64 46 150
20 SRS Historic 8227M 01/17/24 SRS Historic 2208H 90 795 4.5 72 130 24 0.5 0.48 56 148
21 SRS Keynote 516M 01/29/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 96 829 4.9 69 116 29 0.49 0.39 59 112
22 SRS Chief 7206M 02/05/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 91 789 2.7 71 118 22 0.11 1.04 58 134
23 SRS Chief 1101M 02/02/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 85 703 1.2 69 120 34 0.61 0.7 70 151
24 SRS Jackson 2155M 01/16/24 SRS Jackson 487J 87 743 3.5 77 133 34 0.24 0.65 76 131
25 SRS Duke 2153M 01/23/24 Millars Duke 816 98 743 5 89 145 32 0.31 0.78 82 141
26 SRS Duke 6231M 01/24/24 Millars Duke 816 79 724 -0.2 71 116 27 0.08 0.33 73 98
27 SRS Legitimate 763M 02/26/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 88 792 2.4 69 117 33 0.76 0.79 72 161
28 SRS Legitimate 736M 02/15/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 93 813 3.2 74 120 27 0.25 0.7 65 102
29 SRS Legitimate 5128M 01/29/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 92 799 0.9 72 117 32 0.58 0.52 76 132
30 SRS Advance 8246M 01/29/24 Koupal Advance 28 88 750 -0.3 56 96 35 0.65 0.38 68 129
31 SRS Jackson 7262M 01/31/24 SRS Jackson 487J 98 741 3.6 82 138 22 0.06 0.6 67 113
32 SRS Headline 7269M 02/28/24 SRS Headline 2277H 89 820 2.4 89 145 29 0.21 0.68 87 139
33 SRS Advance 2211M 01/14/24 Koupal Advance 28 64 677 -0.9 71 120 27 68 0
34 SRS Historic 0263M 01/24/24 SRS Historic 2208H 80 720 0.4 60 107 30 0.77 0.78 65 154
35 SRS Historic 1193M 02/03/24 SRS Historic 2208H 86 685 1.8 68 124 26 0.52 0.82 65 154
36 SRS Historic 1148M 02/03/24 SRS Historic 2208H 84 725 3.5 69 117 16 0.44 1.11 48 146
37 SRS Chief 8309M 02/09/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 90 785 1.9 64 109 37 0.29 0.43 68 114
38 SRS Chief 7238M 02/09/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 94 677 4.1 64 105 24 0.47 0.44 51 146
39 SRS Chief 5255M 02/22/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 99 744 3.5 54 100 36 0.25 0.6 54 136
40 SRS Chief 1177M 01/31/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 89 748 1.8 70 117 21 0.66 0.72 61 142
41 SRS Chief 9253M 02/12/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 102 690 4.4 57 96 24 0.54 0.64 46 132
42 SRS South America 0127M 01/31/24 Hummel South America 95 691 1 71 121 20 0.3 1.08 64 140
43 SRS Fairnsquare 6238M 01/23/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 96 684 3.3 62 107 27 0.49 0.12 56 112
44 SRS Advance 2257M 01/15/24 Koupal Advance 28 74 660 2.8 66 113 28 0.56 0.54 64 125
45 SRS Jackson 2195M 02/01/24 SRS Jackson 487J 84 757 2.3 86 142 30 0.44 0.44 87 150
46 SRS Renovation 083M 02/25/24 S A V Renovation 6822 92 747 4.6 55 94 25 0.21 0.35 48 105
47 SRS Renovation 0188M 02/23/24 S A V Renovation 6822 87 665 1.1 65 121 36 0.41 0.09 68 131
48 SRS Keynote 334M 02/10/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 85 768 0.3 50 91 23 0.65 0.96 47 134
49 SRS Keynote 2116M 01/22/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 80 716 2.1 64 110 36 0.62 0.62 67 124
50 SRS Keynote 0201M 01/30/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 93 694 3.2 72 113 26 0.83 0.72 68 139
51 SRS Honest 0268M 02/09/24 SRS Honest 3136H 88 718 3.1 81 135 16 0.42 0.88 63 146
52 SRS Kickoff 1127M 02/01/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 74 731 -0.3 75 130 36 0.37 0.58 82 142
53 SRS Kickoff 0220M 01/26/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 81 666 2.2 58 91 14 0.38 0.1 44 91
54 SRS Legitimate 74M 01/25/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 88 698 0.7 75 130 31 0.62 0.7 77 147
55 SRS Legitimate 6115M 01/30/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 88 768 -0.1 66 112 39 0.5 0.76 79 139
56 SRS Legitimate 4154M 02/20/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 93 755 2.7 71 122 25 0.4 0.85 60 136
57 SRS Legitimate 8118M 01/28/24 Deep Creek Legitimate 203 92 690 0.1 68 110 37 0.47 0.42 82 126
58 SRS Duke 2103M 01/14/24 Millars Duke 816 75 715 0.4 83 132 30 0.49 0.42 85 113
59 SRS Duke 739M 01/30/24 Millars Duke 816 79 704 -1.4 71 117 27 0.28 0.46 73 119
60 SRS Headline 7205M 02/24/24 SRS Headline 2277H 92 800 2.3 67 95 29 0.23 0.5 73 113
61 SRS Headline 0227M 02/10/24 SRS Headline 2277H 83 721 3.5 85 129 20 0.31 1.07 75 148
62 SRS Headline 8224M 02/20/24 SRS Headline 2277H 96 701 2.6 60 94 32 0.01 0.46 63 99
63 SRS Duke 2161M 01/17/24 Millars Duke 816 89 693 5 81 145 32 0.18 0.79 66 155
64 SRS Honest 2213M 02/17/24 SRS Honest 3136H 89 837 3.8 78 129 25 0.1 0.49 67 109
65 SRS Renown 9272M 02/11/24 S A V Renown 3439 100 698 4.1 76 127 30 0.17 0.83 68 116
66 0
67 SRS Headline 0302L 03/17/23 SRS Headline 2277H 87 711 2.4 73 121 29 0.35 0.42 72 120
68 SRS Headline 0283L 02/26/23 SRS Headline 2277H 85 714 2.8 87 135 22 0.78 0.45 77 153
69 SRS Headline 0221L 03/05/23 SRS Headline 2277H 86 701 4.4 82 123 20 0.31 1.01 67 140
70 SRS Directive 7282L 03/11/23 SITZ Directive 720J 85 758 0.1 58 112 34 0.3 0.53 63 125
71 SRS Directive 8246L 03/04/23 SITZ Directive 720J 72 675 -1.2 66 115 31 0.55 -0.02 73 124
72 SRS Directive 0288L 02/26/23 SITZ Directive 720J 73 727 -0.8 70 127 18 0.56 0.58 65 140
73 SRS Directive 8229L 03/14/23 SITZ Directive 720J 90 681 1.9 59 99 25 0.38 0.4 55 118
74 SRS Directive 8214L 03/16/23 SITZ Directive 720J 83 634 0.5 62 110 22 0.65 0.61 59 152
75 SRS Resilient 4244L 03/02/23 Sitz Resilient 10208 71 841 2.8 80 130 27 0.77 0.62 78 132
76 SRS Jordan 7269L 03/26/23 SRS Jordan 714J 77 693 0.5 68 119 27 0.56 0.7 67 162
77 SRS Jordan 8252L 03/20/23 SRS Jordan 714J 93 729 3.1 69 113 29 0.71 0.42 62 127
78 SRS Jordan 9239L 03/18/23 SRS Jordan 714J 99 773 3.9 81 134 29 0.36 0.76 71 143
79 SRS Jordan 9292L 03/03/23 SRS Jordan 714J 83 696 0.8 81 129 29 0.39 0.31 84 118
80 SRS Intent 9275L 03/16/23 SITZ Intent 742J 87 673 2.4 60 113 30 0.99 0.85 60 169
81 Coleman South America 3731 07/07/23 Hummel South America n/a 0.7 64 115 25 0.05 0.96 64 127
82 SRS Chief 1107M 02/04/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 98 698 3.8 67 110 25 0.5 0.67 55 124
83 SRS Chief 0288M 02/08/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 102 680 2.8 64 108 24 0.4 0.54 57 147
84 SRS Chief 1235M 02/03/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 92 671 3 65 111 16 0.57 0.36 49 124
85 SRS Chief 0261M 02/27/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 89 676 4 56 86 27 0.37 0.86 51 130
86 SRS Chief 1109M 02/07/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 89 664 2.7 59 103 29 0.48 0.44 56 125
87 SRS Chief 9303M 02/07/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 89 652 1.1 46 80 31 0.38 0.62 51 118
88 SRS Kickoff 1225M 01/31/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 79 704 0.4 57 108 32 0.6 0.39 65 140
89 SRS Kickoff 7246M 01/30/24 SRS Kickoff 5220K 80 674 1.6 58 100 33 0.56 -0.06 63 116
90 SRS Jackson 2235M 01/20/24 SRS Jackson 487J 91 746 3.1 81 134 33 0.23 0.66 87 146
91 SRS Jackson 2241M 01/19/24 SRS Jackson 487J 81 687 2.5 73 120 35 0.2 0.93 82 123
92 SRS Fairnsquare 1175M 01/31/24 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 82 718 1.5 89 151 27 0.7 0.72 82 156
93 SRS Duke 2114M 01/22/24 Millars Duke 816 84 654 2.9 79 129 25 -0.08 0.61 70 109
94 SRS Duke 2147M 01/16/24 Millars Duke 816 72 639 -0.1 64 109 27 0.31 0.23 70 106
95 SRS Duke 2105M 01/27/24 Millars Duke 816 70 645 -0.4 66 108 27 0.73 0.16 73 131
96 SRS Directive 1114M 02/24/24 SITZ Directive 720J 88 717 0.9 71 131 27 0.52 0.78 69 146
97 SRS Directive 1154M 02/21/24 SITZ Directive 720J 81 683 0.1 70 123 26 62 0
98 SRS Directive 1104M 02/19/24 SITZ Directive 720J 78 683 1.1 60 107 21 0.73 0.57 55 144
99 SRS Headline 8245M 02/29/24 SRS Headline 2277H 86 757 0.9 69 105 28 0.71 0.59 75 121
100 SRS Headline 0250M 02/23/24 SRS Headline 2277H 86 785 3.6 87 139 26 0.2 0.74 78 139
101 SRS Honest 487M 02/28/24 SRS Honest 3136H 91 731 1.7 58 99 22 0.15 0.58 54 120
102 SRS Honest 9222M 02/18/24 SRS Honest 3136H 97 685 1.6 64 107 29 0.69 0.61 68 138
103 SRS Honest 9308M 02/29/24 SRS Honest 3136H 89 667 2.3 72 117 25 0.56 0.21 70 96
104 SRS Keynote 2144M 01/16/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 69 667 -1 62 107 28 0.07 0.6 62 120
105 SRS Keynote 1135M 01/27/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 82 666 -0.3 69 116 36 0.11 0.77 78 114
106 SRS Keynote 2119M 01/12/24 SRS Keynote 1047K 81 652 1.5 63 93 34 0.4 0.83 75 103
107 SRS Chief 5273M 02/07/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 91 663 1.4 51 86 30 0.61 0.41 59 119
108 SRS Chief 1149M 02/13/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 98 698 2.3 51 91 33 0.07 0.7 52 103
109 SRS Chief 1206M 02/03/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 74 680 0.3 46 82 35 0.36 0.71 56 110
110 SRS Chief 1190M 02/07/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 71 649 0.7 58 87 26 0.3 0.98 61 120
111 SRS Chief 1146M 02/11/24 Bar-E-L Chief 81K 97 678 4.3 56 98 24 0.08 1.13 41 113
112 SRS Atlantis 958M 02/28/24 Square B Atlantis 8060 94 701 2.9 59 98 28 0.6 0.29 60 118
113 SRS Atlantis 997M 02/19/24 Square B Atlantis 8060 94 619 4.4 75 128 33 0.23 0.87 68 137
114 SRS JACKSON 2303M 02/05/24 SRS JACKSON 487J 80 701 -1.1 73 119 27 0.3 0.35 0
115 SRS CHIEF 4111M 02/26/24 BAR-E-L CHIEF 81K 96 777 0.5 70 107 24 0.2 0.81 0
116 SRS UPRISING 2333M 01/13/24 SRS UPRISING 0059U 83 730 -0.4 65 97 16 0.1 0.48 0
117 SRS JUDGE 9113M 02/03/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 96 782 1.7 81 125 21 0.2 0.74 0
118 SRS JUDGE 9137M 02/05/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 92 733 1.9 80 122 18 0.2 0.79 0
119 SRS JUDGE 9133M 02/03/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 99 732 3.1 83 130 20 0.2 0.85 0
120 SRS JUDGE 1301M 02/07/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 78 744 -2.2 69 105 21 0.2 0.7 0
121 SRS JUDGE 8106M 02/04/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 78 685 -0.4 71 109 18 0.3 0.65 0
122 SRS GENERAL 5191M 02/01/24 SRS GENERAL 4180G 100 694 2.2 64 95 15 0.2 0.48 0
123 SRS GENERAL 5132M 01/24/24 SRS GENERAL 4180G 74 685 0.8 63 90 17 0.1 0.58 0
124 SRS GENERAL 1317M 02/11/24 SRS GENERAL 4180G 98 736 2.4 76 115 16 0.2 0.8 0
125 SRS GENERAL 1344M 02/02/24 SRS GENERAL 4180G 80 703 -0.4 67 101 16 0.2 0.55 0
126 SRS GENERAL 4182M 01/29/24 SRS GENERAL 4180G 93 737 2 67 99 14 0.2 0.71 0
127 SRS KEYSTONE 6117M 03/06/24 SRS KEYSTONE 5132 94 725 2.2 64 94 19 0.2 0.57 0
128 SRS KEYSTONE 9170M 03/07/24 SRS KEYSTONE 5132 95 670 1.8 62 100 16 0.1 0.4 0
129 SRS UPRISING 2335M 01/18/24 SRS UPRISING 0059U 72 686 -1.8 60 94 14 0.1 0.4 0
130 SRS UPRISING 2334M 01/17/24 SRS UPRISING 0059U 82 697 -0.9 64 96 16 0.1 0.39 0
131 SRS UPRISING 2311M 01/16/24 SRS UPRISING 0059U 73 661 -1.6 55 84 15 0.1 0.38 0
132 SRS JUDGE 5142M 01/31/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 92 738 0.6 76 116 23 0.2 0.75 0
133 SRS JUDGE 1312M 02/10/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 98 714 1.3 79 121 18 0.2 0.8 0
134 SRS JUDGE 4180M 02/06/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 85 674 -0.5 69 106 20 0.2 0.73 0
135 SRS JUDGE 9122M 02/07/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 84 704 -0.3 68 102 20 0.2 0.7 0
136 SRS JUDGE 8121M 02/05/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 99 665 2.8 77 119 18 0.2 0.72 0
137 SRS JUDGE 0122M 02/01/24 SRS JUDGE 7135J 85 649 -0.1 69 106 18 0.3 0.71 0